Carmen Lagala
Carmen Lagala is a New York City based stand-up comedian who made her network television debut in 2018 on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. Originally from Vermont, Carmen endears audiences with her small-town charm, delivering jokes that are smart, dark, dirty and playful. She regularly features for comedian Hari Kondabolu at the best clubs and theaters across the country, and recently appeared in the web sketch “Dollar Store Therapist” for Comedy Central. Carmen was featured in the 2018 New York Comedy Festival for stand-up, sketch, a roast, and her own show “Puppets Present” which was a Time Out New York pick for “Best Shows to See”. She’s performed in several other festivals including Brooklyn Comedy Festival, Bridgetown, Rogue Island, and the Women in Comedy Festival.
- Tuesday January 14th 07:30PM
- Courtney Fearrington, Sean Donnelly, Carmen Lagala, Shaun Murphy
- Get ready for non-stop laughs, Upper West Side! Our brand-new club is open – and features the best comedians in NYC and beyond – in a cozy, intimate setting. Enjoy a full bar, tasty snacks, and a vibrant atmosphere that’s perfect for any night out. This room is sure to become a favorite of comics and audience alike.FeaturingCourtney FearringtonSean DonnellyCarmen LagalaShaun Murphy
- Tuesday January 14th 10:15PM
- Lucas Zelnick, Ashley Austin Morris, Jourdain Fisher, Carmen Lagala
- Nothing says downtown NYC like a microphone, a stool, a brick wall and a comedian. Stand up comedy has been a staple of Village nightlife for decades! The newly expanded New York Comedy Club is proud to join the thriving arts and entertainment scene in the East Village, building on our strong presence at our flagship location in Gramercy.FeaturingAshley Austin MorrisLucas ZelnickJourdain FisherCarmen LagalaAaron McCann