Jessica Levin
Jessica Levin is an NYC comedian. The daughter of a sanitation worker, with longshoreman genes, she has a blue collar mentality with white color taste. When she's not in the clubs, she attempts to go to the gym but mostly ends up co-producing her shows "Tough Love Comedy" , "Fowl Mouth Comedy", and performing all around the city.
Upcoming Shows
- Monday January 13th 09:15PM
- Josh Gondelman, Jessica Levin, Rick Younger, Adam Rowe
- Get the authentic NYC stand up comedy experience at New York Comedy Club! Enjoy a nightly showcase of the best comedians in the city, hot up-and-comers, plus hotshot celebrity drop ins, national and international touring comics and more surprises!FeaturingJessica LevinJosh GondelmanRick YoungerAdam Rowe