Peggy O'Leary
Peggy O'Leary is a stand up comedian, actress, and writer. She is so excited to be back on the UCB Stage with License to Chill, in 2011 her sketch group BLEAK! Comedy performed their show STOMACHTOWN for six months at the theatre. Since then she has been performing stand up all over the East Coast including performing at The Women in Comedy Festival in Boston, Chicago Funny Female Festival and this spring she will be heading to Portland, Or for The Bridgetown Comedy Festival. She has taken improv and story-telling classes at UCB with such wonderful people as Anthony Atamanuik, Achilles Stamateelaky, Lennon Parham, Margot Leitman, Tim Martin, Gavin Speiller, Erik Tanouye and Zach Woods. Check out her podcast HARD, LONELY & VICIOUS on cavecomedyradio.com/hardlonelyandvicious you can also check out her stand up and short films [url=http://www.youtube.com/user/peggyo13]here[/url]. She has a food phobia of non-white cheeses, because when she was five, she threw up yellow american cheese in the food court at Disney World.