Ticket sales have ended. Please check out one of these upcoming shows!
Thursday February 27th, 2025 - 9:45PM
Location : New York Comedy Club New York, NY
This show is for ages 21 +
Black Women In Comedy Laff Fest presents Calise's Comedy & Burlesque Blast!
In February 2004, Calise Hawkins utilized the thoughtful vulnerability of Stand up Comedy to find herself. 21 Februarys later, she's officially an adult comedian with her own unique voice. Now she's pursuing the shameless intimacy of Burlesque dance to chart her course for bodily autonomy.
Adagio Burlesque - Calise had been a fan of Adagio for years...constantly pestering her now ex boyfriend to view Adagio's burlesque videos on Insta and agree that "Isn't she amazing? She's gorgeous isn't she?" Finally after she moved on from that ex...Calise decided for herself that yes, Adagio was her own personal inspiration. She asked the dancer for private lessons and quickly decided to make her 45th birthday a night of Comedy and Burlesque! At her first lesson...Adagio told Calise that 10 years ago, before they'd ever met...people in Greenwich Village thought Adagio was a comedian named Calise. The serendipity of it all signified that Calise had found some kind of loophole for self love. This whole time shy Calise (who hid her curves under her boyfriend's jeans) had been in complete awe of a sexy vixon version of herself...her lovely new body coach....Adagio Burlesque!!!
Black Women In Comedy Laff Fest presents Calise's Comedy & Burlesque Blast!
In February 2004, Calise Hawkins utilized the thoughtful vulnerability of Stand up Comedy to find herself. 21 Februarys later, she's officially an adult comedian with her own unique voice. Now she's pursuing the shameless intimacy of Burlesque dance to chart her course for bodily autonomy.
Please join Calise and her talented group of friendships she's gained along her self actualization journey.
The following comedian's credits are personal to Calise. If you want their professional credentials, and believe me, you do... you can GOOGLE THAT.
Roy Wood Jr. - During her first round in Hollywood, Calise and her 6 year old daughter needed a place to crash before execs at Oxygen could get her an apt for "Funny Girls." Roy let her and Asha borrow his apt AND his "world famous Kia Sorrento" (his words, lol) while he was off getting famous.
Max Antonucci - Mid journey, Calise met Max in the green room of "The Greenwich Village Comedy Club." Seeking a peaceful vibe and finding one in Max...Calise asked Max if he knew where she could get a gummy (read: illegal Marijuana) and he happened to have one on him! They've been friends EVERY SINCE!
Dina Hashem - Calise doesn't remember how she met Dina and she feels comfortable saying so because Dina is one of the only people who isn't fazed by Calise's quirks. Even though Calise over excitedly talked through an entire episode of Game Of Thrones, Dina still invites her out for expensive sushi every few months to catch up. Dina has not returned for another episode of Calise talking over "Game Of Thrones."
Omar Thompson - Omar embraced Calise as an ally from the very beginning and has always felt like family. He thinks it's because he's light-skinned like Calise. Calise use to tease him that he wasn't and she didn't "know what his mama told him." Eventually she decided to just let him have it cuz Omar was such good people. He didn't even hit on her pretty sister, Amber, when she moved in with Calise for a year. Maybe that's cuz they're both "light-skinned."
Doug Uram - To Calise, this intense man has rare talent and an unusually sweet heart. Calise and Doug do not hang but she'll do anything to promote a guy like that.
Audrey Mora - This young lady grabbed Calise's attention by the throat and challenged her to push herself harder as a comedian. Audrey is remarkable and won't be unknown for too long. Calise hopes they can still be friends one day when Audrey's famous.
Ashley Morris - Oh my goodness! This talented comedian/actress (look her up) and Calise are giggly little girls when they are together. That's all you need to know. It's like the most important thing you ever need to know about a friendship. Calise does not remember how she met Ashley.
Adagio Burlesque - Calise had been a fan of Adagio for years...constantly pestering her now ex boyfriend to view Adagio's burlesque videos on Insta and agree that "Isn't she amazing? She's gorgeous isn't she?" Finally after she moved on from that ex...Calise decided for herself that yes, Adagio was her own personal inspiration. She asked the dancer for private lessons and quickly decided to make her 45th birthday a night of Comedy and Burlesque! At her first lesson...Adagio told Calise that 10 years ago, before they'd ever met...people in Greenwich Village thought Adagio was a comedian named Calise. The serendipity of it all signified that Calise had found some kind of loophole for self love. This whole time shy Calise (who hid her curves under her boyfriend's jeans) had been in complete awe of a sexy vixon version of herself...her lovely new body coach....Adagio Burlesque!!!