Upcoming Comedy Shows
- Saturday March 1st 05:00PM
- Matinee with Ry Daddy ft: Ryan Dacalos, Daniel Simonsen, Shivani Davé, Gibran Salem
- It’s never too early to get your comedy fix! Skip out of work early and join us for this "matinee" mix of fresh faces, club faves, and citywide stars.FeaturingDaniel SimonsenGibran SaleemShivani DaveRyan Dacalos
- Saturday March 1st 05:00PM
- Matinee with Ry Daddy ft. Ryan Dacalos, Daniel Simonsen, Gibran Saleem, Shivani Dave
- It’s never too early for Comedy! Join us for the quintessential New York City Comedy experience. Our matinee presents a mix of citywide stars, club favorites, and fresh faces so you can kick off your evening with a lot of laughs!
- Saturday March 1st 07:00PM
- Mark Normand, Ethan Simmons-Patterson, Carmen Lynch, Tracey Carnazzo
- Get the authentic NYC stand up comedy experience at New York Comedy Club! Enjoy a nightly showcase of the best comedians in the city, hot up-and-comers, plus hotshot celebrity drop ins, national and international touring comics and more surprises!FeaturingMark NormandEthan Simmons-PattersonCarmen LynchTracey Carnazzo
- Saturday March 1st 09:15PM
- Aminah Imani, Seaton Smith, Keegan Tindall, Tom Cassidy
- Get the authentic NYC stand up comedy experience at New York Comedy Club! Enjoy a nightly showcase of the best comedians in the city, hot up-and-comers, plus hotshot celebrity drop ins, national and international touring comics and more surprises!FeaturingSeaton SmithKeegan TindallTom CassidyAminah Imani
- Saturday March 1st 11:30PM
- Jared Goldstein, Kenice Mobley, Tom Cassidy, Jake Velazquez
- Get the authentic NYC stand up comedy experience at New York Comedy Club! Enjoy a nightly showcase of the best comedians in the city, hot up-and-comers, plus hotshot celebrity drop ins, national and international touring comics and more surprises!FeaturingJared GoldsteinTom CassidyJake VelazquezKenice MobleyStewart Fullerton
- Sunday March 2nd 05:00PM
- Matinee with Ry Daddy ft: Ryan Dacalos, Henry Sir, Daniel Simonsen, Mahesh Kotagi
- It’s never too early to get your comedy fix! Skip out of work early and join us for this "matinee" mix of fresh faces, club faves, and citywide stars.FeaturingDaniel SimonsenHenry SirMahesh KotagiRyan Dacalos
- Sunday March 2nd 05:00PM
- Matinee with Ry Daddy
- It’s never too early for Comedy! Join us for the quintessential New York City Comedy experience. Our matinee presents a mix of citywide stars, club favorites, and fresh faces so you can kick off your evening with a lot of laughs!
- Sunday March 2nd 07:00PM
- Daniel Simonsen, Liza Treyger, Alingon Mitra, Andy Haynes
- Wondering what to do tonight? Our New York stand up comedy showcase is one of the most fun things to do on a weeknight! Whether you’re with your friends from work looking for a great Happy Hour, want to have a fun, casual date night or just love to laugh every day, our comedy nights have you covered!FeaturingDaniel SimonsenLiza TreygerAlingon MitraAndy HaynesJC Mendoza
- Sunday March 2nd 09:15PM
- Josh Adam Meyers, Caitlin Peluffo, JC Mendoza, Akeem Woods
- Wondering what to do tonight? Our New York stand up comedy showcase is one of the most fun things to do on a weeknight! Whether you’re with your friends from work looking for a great Happy Hour, want to have a fun, casual date night or just love to laugh every day, our comedy nights have you covered!FeaturingJosh Adam MeyersCaitlin PeluffoJC MendozaAkeem Woods
- Monday March 3rd 07:00PM
- Aaron Berg, Liz Miele, Sam Morrison, Monroe Martin
- Get the authentic NYC stand-up comedy experience at New York Comedy Club! Enjoy a nightly showcase of the best comedians in the city, hot up-and-comers, plus hot-shot celebrity drop-ins, national and international touring comics, and more surprises!FeaturingAaron BergLiz MieleSam MorrisonMonroe Martin
- Monday March 3rd 09:15PM
- Vinny Guadagnino, Cort McCown, Eleanor Kerrigan, Monroe Martin
- Get the authentic NYC stand-up comedy experience at New York Comedy Club! Enjoy a nightly showcase of the best comedians in the city, hot up-and-comers, plus hot-shot celebrity drop-ins, national and international touring comics, and more surprises!FeaturingVinny GuadagninoCort McCownEleanor KerriganMonroe Martin
- Tuesday March 4th 07:00PM
- Bitch Sesh ft: Adam Ferrara, Katie Haller, James Pontillo
- Get the authentic NYC stand up comedy experience at New York Comedy Club! Enjoy a nightly showcase of the best comedians in the city, hot up-and-comers, plus hotshot celebrity drop ins, national and international touring comics and more surprises!FeaturingAdam FerraraKatie HallerJames Pontillo
- Tuesday March 4th 09:15PM
- Dave Temple, Jenny Zigrino, Gray West, Chris Scopo, Rojo Perez
- Get the authentic NYC stand up comedy experience at New York Comedy Club! Enjoy a nightly showcase of the best comedians in the city, hot up-and-comers, plus hotshot celebrity drop ins, national and international touring comics and more surprises!FeaturingDave TempleJenny ZigrinoGray WestChris ScopoRojo Perez
- Wednesday March 5th 07:00PM
- The Hamburger Combo ft: Hamburger, Alex Pavone, Juliana Rodrigues, Shatara Curry, Atheer Yacoub
- Wondering what to do tonight? Our New York stand up comedy showcase is one of the most fun things to do on a weeknight! Whether you’re with your friends from work looking for a great Happy Hour, want to have a fun, casual date night or just love to laugh every day, our comedy nights have you covered!
- Wednesday March 5th 09:15PM
- Knockouts Comedy Festival presents Mishegoss ft: Skye Grayson, Molly Kearney, Liza Treyger, Brittany Carney, Lily Lester, Jess Elgene
- Mishegoss (Mish-Eh-Goss) Comedy is a long-running, independent comedy show known for showcasing the hottest rising comics from NYC. Presented by Lily Lester and Skye Grayson, Mishegoss is thrilled to be joining the Knockout’s Women’s Festival with an all-female lineup, featuring comics seen on Netflix, HBO, and Comedy Central for the second year in a row! Come celebrate and discover some of the funniest women in comedy right now, all at your neighborhood comedy club!FeaturingSkye GraysonMolly KearneyBrittany CarneyLily LesterJess Elgene
- Thursday March 6th 06:00PM
- Comedy Mob Open Mic
- Wildly popular and thoroughly unpredictable, New York City comedy collective Comedy Mob brings their Open Mic to New York Comedy Club on East 24th Street every Thursday evening at 6:00 PM. Think you're funny (enuff)? Want to take a turn at the mic? Check out the “Perform with us” link on their website: www.ComedyMob.com
- Thursday March 6th 08:30PM
- New York Comedy Club Presents
- Get the authentic NYC stand up comedy experience at New York Comedy Club! Enjoy a nightly showcase of the best comedians in the city, hot up-and-comers, plus hotshot celebrity drop ins, national and international touring comics and more surprises!
- Thursday March 6th 10:30PM
- New York Comedy Club Presents
- Get the authentic NYC stand up comedy experience at New York Comedy Club! Enjoy a nightly showcase of the best comedians in the city, hot up-and-comers, plus hotshot celebrity drop ins, national and international touring comics and more surprises!
- Friday March 7th 07:00PM
- ITMATTERS ft: Santi Espinosa, Oscar Collazos, Alex Carabano, Brian Grossi
- Get the authentic NYC stand up comedy experience at New York Comedy Club! Enjoy a nightly showcase of the best comedians in the city, hot up-and-comers, plus hotshot celebrity drop ins, national and international touring comics and more surprises!FeaturingSanti EspinosaOscar CollazosAlex CarabanoBrian Grossi
- Friday March 7th 09:15PM
- New York Comedy Club Presents
- Get the authentic NYC stand up comedy experience at New York Comedy Club! Enjoy a nightly showcase of the best comedians in the city, hot up-and-comers, plus hotshot celebrity drop ins, national and international touring comics and more surprises!